Dissemination of Information

When membership in the Association was not compulsory quite a number of secretary-treasurers did not attend the convention and did not receive the benefit of the information conveyed to those who attended. The Department of Municipal Affairs adopted a practise of mailing mimeographed copies of the main addresses and other material to all of the rural municipal offices. Western Municipal News and The Record were published monthly by Wilson Stationary Co. and Commercial Printers Ltd. and sent to all municipal offices. In 1923 the Associated Committee adopted The Western Municipal News as the official organ of the organization. A "Page" was reserved each month for an article by an appointed correspondent to convey items of particular interest to rural municipal secretary-treasurers. This arrangement continued until 1958 when the magazine ceased publication.

The S.A.R.M. began publication of The Rural Councillor in 1966 and a page has been reserved in it for articles of particular interest to rural administrators. The Rural Councillor is published quarterly and each member of the Executive, in rotation, undertakes to supply a suitable article.