Board Committees

Board Committees

The resolutions committee is responsible for the collection and presentation of resolutions at our annual convention. This committee revolves yearly through the divisional directors.

The committee reviews the provisions of the RMAA's Professional Development Bylaw and monitors members annual credit hour standing to ensure compliance with the Bylaw. The Chair of this committee, together with Sask. Municipal Government's Board of Examiners appointee and SARM's Board of Examiners appointee, make up the 'Professional Development Mediation Committee' which, when necessary, is prepared to meet with an R. M. Council to convince them of the benefits of professional development and allow their administrator opportunity to annually earn the necessary credit hours.

This committee oversees the Municipal Curling Playdowns which are held each winter. The Divisional Directors arrange the playdown for their area with the winners playing off during the SARM Convention in March. It provides an excellent opportunity for members of council and administrators to get together in a social atmosphere.

This committee is responsible for preparing the annual salary brief and meeting with SARM in October to finalize salary and other benefits for the coming year. This process has been ongoing since 1957 and has worked very well for both organizations involved. The brief is prepared in consultation with our membership through our divisional directors.

This committee represents our interests at the University of Regina with regards to the LGA program, which represents the educational requirements for our profession. We have the opportunity to comment on changes to the program and other policies pertaining to the courses involved.

This committee helps with convention planning. Presenters for the seminars/workshops as well as the keynote speaker (sponsored by Municipal Hail Insurance) for the annual convention are arranged by this committee.

The Board of Examiners is a 3 member Board comprised of an appointed member from the RMAA, SARM and the Board Secretary. Among its duties, this board makes decisions on certificate applications by Administrators and has the statutory powers to investigate the dismissal of an Administrator.

The Disciplinary Committee is appointed pursuant to Section 22(1) of The Rural Municipal Administrators Act. The policy of the Association for initiating an investigation of a member is: (a) upon written request of an employer council; (b) written request by another member of this Association; (c) written request by Sask. Municipal Government; (d) any other reason deemed appropriate by the committee.

Our representative to the MEPP is responsible for representing our interests on the board. Questions or concerns that our membership or executive board may have relating to pensions for administrators are taken to the MEPP through our appointed member.

This committee's prime function is to secure a golf course and prepare the annual foursomes for the convention tournament. Liaison is conducted with the "Gang of Three" respecting prizes, trophies, golf brochure and the meal after golf. Two meetings are held with the "Gang of Three" to finalize budgets and tournament operations.

This committee deals with the review of the budget and financial position of our association, to ensure that our members are receiving good value for their membership dollar. This committee can also deal with matters of an emergent nature that may arise from time to time.

The Committee is comprise of the manager of Advisory Services plus three members from each of the UMAAS and the RMAA.  They meet informally and respectfully to discuss common municipal matters, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of Saskatchewan’s municipal system, learning from one another and to discover potential opportunities to bolster the municipal system while working in partnership to support it and foster communications amongst the member organizations.

The committee makes recommendations to the SAMA Board on the following: - assessment practices and procedures - legislative amendments. In addition to the Rural Advisory Committee, the RMAA appointee also represents the RMAA on SAMA's: - Oil & Gas Liaison Committee which deals specifically with oil and gas assessment issues. - Assessment Appraiser Certification Committee which deals specifically with appraiser certification.

This committee is responsible for investigating and promoting better fringe benefits for our membership. Examples of this include increased holidays, addition of a dental plan and most recently, the introduction of the SARM's Extended Benefits Plan.

If requested, this committee will put new RMAA members in touch with experienced members for help and advice.  It also looks at ways to enhance mentorship throughout the province when administrators are working towards obtaining their certifications.

This committee investigates venues for our association to provide assistance to charitable pursuits.  Our current benefactor is Food Banks of Saskatchewan and we encourage our members to donate nutritious non-perishable food items at the annual convention.

The Board of Reference has been established to deal with dismissals of R. M. Administrators as authorized under Section 56 of The Rural Municipality Act. The Board is made of an appointee from the R.M.A.A., an appointee from S.A.R.M. and a chairperson who is selected jointly by the 2 associations.

The Relations Committee is intended to act as a liaison between a member of our association and their employing municipality when a breakdown in the relationship occurs. The committee may meet with the member, the employing municipality or both together to work on solutions and make recommendations to improve the relationship.

This committee is responsible for arranging for the development and maintenance of a website for the association.

This committee is responsible for arranging an alternate activity to golf, on the Monday preceding Convention, that allows Administrators to have fun and build long lasting networking relationships.

The RMAA president, vice-president and executive director meet at least annually with Government Relations and UMAAS to discuss current news, issues, and future happenings.

Alongside with other local government bodies, stakeholders and the Ministry legislative amendments and developments are reviewed and discussed before readings and adoption by the Legislative Assembly.

Our President sits as Director Ex-Officio on the SARM Board, He/She represents the RMAA at all board meetings of our employer association.

This program provides funding for rural municipalities to train and mentor selected interns in the field of Municipal Administration.  It is administered through SARM.

This committee is made up of members from the RMAA, UMAAS and the Department of Government Relations and Aboriginal Affairs. It’s mandate is to arrange for and provide educational seminars on timely topics for municipal administrators throughout the Province. The MLDP is an innovative program designed to strengthen local government leadership in urban, rural, and northern Saskatchewan.

The RMAA Board of Directors  internal personnel and HR Committee.

The Saskatchewan Municipal Peer Network connects municipal officials and administrators with highly experienced mentors who can provide advice and help resolve disputes.