RMAA'S Relief Administrators Listing
The RMAA does not endorse any of the individuals listed below other than to verify that they have a certificate of qualification. We strongly recommend readers to do proper reference checks and research prior to engaging services
of relief listing members.
The RMAA does not endorse any of the individuals listed below other than to verify that they have a certificate of qualification. We strongly recommend readers to do proper reference checks and research prior to engaging services of relief listing members.
BABBINGS, Myrna Jean | Oxbow | 306-483-7947 | gevillage@sasktel.net |
BAVLE, Lana | Virtual Training | 306-774-4132 | lbavle@gmail.com |
BELLEFEUILLE, Rhonda | Shaunavon | 306-297-7814 | Rhondabel@sasktel.net |
BERTRAM, Shawna | Mentor Training | 306-293-7714 | csbertram@sasktel.net |
BOEHM, Rae | R&M software mentor | 306-677-2266 | rm135@sasktel.net |
BOSER, Linda | 403-977-9740 | pl.boser@sasktel.net | |
CRUISE-PRATCHLER, Michele | 306-528-2131 | cruise.pratchlercga@sasktel.net | |
HEWITT, Lynne | Southern Sask | 306-577-9590 | southcar@sasktel.net |
JOHNSTON, Gwen | Weyburn | 306-861-1709 | doug.johnston@sasktel.net |
McCALLUM, Don | 306-398-7840 | don.mccallum@sasktel.net | |
OTTENBREIT, Brenda | West Central and Central Sask | 780-214-5272 | brenda@bkott.ca |
POPE, Sharon | Warman | 306-551-4994 | popebs@hotmail.com |
POTTER, Grace | South West Sask | 306-671-8067 | grace_potter@icloud.com |
RATTRAY, Michael | Drake | 306-265-7224 | mrattray33@icloud.com |
SHAW, Debra | Swift Current | 306-774-4701 | debra.shaw@sasktel.net |
SLATER, Alysson | South East Sask | 306-457-7725 | aslater@sasktel.net |
TANCHAK, Alan | Hafford | 306-241-0318 | alantanchak@outlook.com |
TROMBLEY, Audrey | Weyburn | 306-861-5014 | trombley.home@sasktel.net |