
When the Associated Committee was formed in 1921 membership was on a voluntary basis at an annual fee of $5.00. It became customary to pay the membership fee at the time of registration during the convention each year. If a person didn't attend the convention, in many cases they did not pay the membership fee for that year. Since the membership fees were the only source of revenue for the Committee this created a very unstable economic situation. Even in the peak periods the membership only reached about 75% of the potential. The fee remained at $5.00 until 1953 when it was increased to $20.00 and membership became compulsory for all qualified, practising secretary-treasurers under the provision of the Act of Incorporation in 1955.

In a report to the convention in 1935 it was stated there were 5 women members at that time. Another report in 1943 revealed that 65 secretary-treasurers had joined the armed forces to serve in the second world war. When the war ended in 1945 there were several secretary-treasurers who had reached the age of 65 and they were ready to retire, however, there were not enough qualified replacements available. An on-the-job training program was initiated with the Department of Veterans Affairs for returned service people. Many of the secretary-treasurers who assumed offices in the late 1940's had availed themselves of that program.

A group life insurance contract was negotiated for members in 1961 but was soon abandoned because of lack of participation. Another interesting item appears in 1963 when the Executive was requested to consider establishing an office with a full-time secretary. Under the latest (1984) bylaws of the Association, with it's code of conduct, all qualified, practising administrators are required to hold current membership in the Association and pay the annual dues therefor. Provision is made for non-voting associate membership on a voluntary basis. The Immediate Past President of the Association and the President of the S.A.R.M. from time to time are ex officio members. Each recipient of the Lou Jacobs award becomes an honorary life member. In any year the convention may award honorary memberships to persons whom they deem merit the honor.

A shortage of qualified personnel prompted the Department of Municipal Affairs to institute a training on the job program in which they paid a portion of the salary of a trainee. The program was discontinued in 1983.