
A Rural “Class C” Certificate represents the basic level of qualification for employment as a rural municipal administrator in Saskatchewan. Application must be made to the Board of Examiners. Successful applicants will possess a certificate in the Local Government Authority Program, or another level of acceptable post-secondary educational certification, as approved by the Rural Board of Examiners. Applicants are
also required to have completed one year of satisfactory service/in-office training/mentoring (1800 hours) working in a rural municipality in Saskatchewan.

The Board of Examiners requires that the one year term of service working in a rural municipal office must be under the direction of a qualified administrator possessing a minimum of a “Class A” Rural Municipal Administrator Certification.

A “Class C” certificate remains valid while continuously employed as an administrator, but expires after a period of five years if active municipal employment is not maintained.

The primary criteria for a Class C Certificate, pursuant to Section 5 of the Board of Examiners (Rural) regulations, is as follows:

a. The board may issue a Class C certificate to any person that:

i. has received or is qualified to receive:

(1) a certificate in Local Government Authority from the University of
Regina, or
(2) Level I NACLAA (National Advanced Certificate in Local Government
Authority Administration) from the University of Alberta or Dalhousie
(3) a degree in Commerce, Administration, Business Administration,
Public Administration or equivalent from a university acceptable to the
board, or
(4) a Diploma in Municipal Administration from Saskatchewan Polytechnic
(5) a professional accounting designation which is recognized under
provincial legislation, or
(6) a professional designation from the Institute of Chartered Secretaries
and Administrators of Canada, or
(7) other similar degrees, certificates, diplomas or designations approved
by the board; and

ii. has served satisfactorily, in the opinion of the board, for:

(1) the equivalent of one year or 1,800 hours of office experience as the
chief administrative officer of a municipality or local government in
Canada with annual operating expenditures in excess of $200,000

over a three-year average, providing the application is accompanied
by a statement from the applicant municipality or local government’s
auditor attesting that the applicant has satisfactorily performed the
duties required of the chief administrative officer, or
(2) the equivalent of one year or 1,800 hours on-the-job training in a
Rural Municipality in Saskatchewan, with annual operating
expenditures in excess of $200,000 over a three year average, where
the training officer holds a rural advanced certificate in local
government administration, or equivalent as deemed acceptable to
the board, providing the application is accompanied by a completed
Class C certificate verification form, which is attached as Schedule “A”
to these regulations) from the applicant’s training officer attesting that
the applicant possesses a competent level of skill and knowledge, or

ii. holds educational qualifications and has fulfilled service requirements
acceptable to the board, and;
iii. the applicant must, at the time of the application, either be employed by an
RM, or have entered into an agreement for employment with an RM, but
have not yet commenced employment.

b. A Class C certificate shall be signed by all members of the board.

a . Subject to subsection 5.d, a Class C certificate is valid for a period of five
years from the later of:

i. the date of its issue, or
ii. the last day of a period of at least two years continuous service wherein the
holder of the certificate was actually employed; as an administrator, or as an
assistant administrator, or as an acting administrator, or in a municipal
position that the board considers equivalent to one mentioned in subclause
(1), (2) or (3).

Copies of the Rural "C" Certificate Verification Form are available on the RMAA
website, or by contacting:

Jill Palichuk, Secretary to the Rural Board of Examiners
Box 488
Rosetown, SK  S0L 2V0
Ph: (306) 882-2314
Fax: (306) 882-3287
Email:  Rural.Board.Exam@sasktel.net