Code of Conduct

  1. Members of the Rural Municipal Administrators' Association of Saskatchewan (the Association), in the spirit of co operation and fidelity to their employer, shall:
    (a) Perform all duties of their profession to the best of their ability.
    (b) Avail themselves, whenever possible, to all information and material which will improve their professional services.
  2. Members shall, in fairness to all members of the Association, refrain from any attempt to supplant a fellow member.
  3. Members of the Association shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner that will enhance the integrity, dignity and honor of the Association.
  4. Practicing members of the Association shall, at all times abide by all legislation setting forth or governing the duties and responsibilities of an Administrator of a Rural Municipality.
  5. Practicing members of the Association shall not acquire any interest, property or benefit through the improper use of the confidential knowledge of the affairs of a rural municipality which is obtained in the course of their duties.
  6. Practicing members of the Association shall not disclose or use any confidential information concerning the affairs of any Rural Municipality, except when properly acting in the course of their duties or when such information is required to be disclosed by order of lawful authority or by the Executive Board or the Disciplinary Committee in proper exercise of their duties.
  7. All members of the Association shall attend to and assist the Association, the Executive Board and the Disciplinary Committee, when required, and shall produce any books, papers and records in their possession, custody or control which may be required.
  8. Practicing members of the Association shall, at all times manage the affairs and books of their employing rural municipality for which they are responsible, and shall promptly perform all required duties, in a business like and competent manner.
  9. A member shall bring to the attention of the Executive Board any apparent breach of the Code of Conduct, or any instance involving or appearing to involve doubt as to the competence, reputation or integrity of a fellow member of the Association.

May 1995 - Consolidation
May 2004